SeaTalks about Safety and Emergencies

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Posted 2016, Oct 29 01:37
In the sample distress call where one gives a bearing... is the bearing usually given as the boat is the starting / reference point or from the reference point of the landmark?
Posted 2016, Nov 05 17:51
What do you think about this method? It appears to have more leverage.
Posted 2016, Nov 06 16:56
1. Negligent inspections. 2. Negligent in smoke alarms. 3. Negligent in fire extinguishers.
Posted 2017, Feb 03 20:29
Are there specific situations where in a recovery of MOB, an approach to the victim to his/her windward would be recommended? The reason I ask is because I'm thinking that depending on the size of the waves, the boat could be used to protect the victim ? Also, with the victim to leeward of the boat wouldn't the side be closer to the water making it a little easier to pull the victim up (if your boat doesn't have a rear transom) ?
Posted 2017, May 26 23:14
It may have changed by now, but it used to be that if you gave a little squirt out of a dry chemical fire extinguisher, such as to test it, the remaining pressure would slowly leak out, leaving it useless when a fire occurred. So, if you ever squirt from a dry-chem extinguisher, don't be fooled by it still having a high pressure reading -- check the pressure gauge again a few days later. If the pressure is leaking, you need to have it re-serviced by a professional. This warning does not apply to CO2 fire extinguishers.
Posted 2017, Oct 09 01:43
When giving your MMSI, would you say "em em es eye number" or "Mike Mike November India number…"
Posted 2017, Oct 09 04:11
In the case of an LPG (propane) leak, turning switches off can be as bad as turning switches on: if the equipment is already powered and running, turning it off could cause arcing in the switch and possibly ignite the gas. Just leave your switches where they are and vent the area. Unpowered automated equipment would be the exception: if your bilge pump isn't running for example, it isn't drawing power and is not at risk for arcing, so turn it off before the automatic switch engages. Also, gaseous LPG is much more stable than gasoline fumes, so don't panic, just go about doing what needs done.
Posted 2017, Oct 09 05:34
CO2 extinguishers have an advantage over dry chemical extinguishers since they don't leave any residue, Chemical or water, and being Dry Ice, they absorb more heat than Dry Chem. However, there is a disadvantage in that the CO2 does not absorb or remove as much heat as water (water can remove astonishing amounts of heat as it is converted to steam and vented out) and doesn't coat the fuel like Dry Chem, thus allowing a reflash of the fire once the CO2 dissipates. Each has its strength depending on the scenario.
Posted 2018, Jan 05 05:50
Containers do not float below the surface. An object floats or it sinks. There may be an hour or two where a sinking container rides near the surface, but is of statistically little significance (I would not call a sailor claiming such to be a liar, and I have called people out who did so, it's theoretically a possibility for a very short period of time, but if it happened to me my next stop would be the lottery office). I recognize that the vast majority of objects on the ocean are floating very low on the surface are extremely difficult to see, and with the majority of their surface below the waterline, will invariably hole the boat below the surface, but being that this chapter is about objects sinking, I think it best not to get too loose with the rules of physics. Further, when shipping containers are loaded, they are not carefully loaded to maintain fore and aft c of g, and thus will usually ride with one or more corners and edges below the waterline. With only one corner floating above the waterline, it can be well camouflaged to the unsuspecting eye, especially considering various lighting conditions we sail in. But they don't float below the surface. People on the west coast often claim logs float below the surface, but they don't: a part of them always floats above the surface. You must keep am eye or for the small signs.
Posted 2018, Jan 05 06:05
After a collision, I wouldn't stop the engine. After determining what you ran into you may still need to maneuver to get clear of the object you ran into. Further, if you are holed, water may come up very quickly and take out your electrics: most diesels will continue to run even without electricity, and the cooling pump can be used as an auxiliary bilge pump, even if your electric bilge pumps have failed. If however the engine is stopped and power is then lost, there is very little chance of restarting it, (barring pull or crank start, the reliability of which, in my experience, is inversely related to the urgency of the situation). Much better to leave it in neutral until the situation is assessed, in my opinion.
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