Wilfred Darr
Calgary, Canada
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Skipper Level II
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 28
Posted 2018, Jan 05 06:17
If it's flooding so fast "you don't have time to communicate" you better be communicating it! If it's slow enough you think you can control it, tell someone, schedule regular check-in times, so if you loose electrics people know to send someone looking. If the Coastguard/Support know what's up their response will be much quicker and much more efficient when you need it. Don't wait until you finally decide that maybe you should have made that call 5 minutes ago…
Wilfred Darr
Calgary, Canada
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Skipper Level II
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 28
Posted 2018, Jan 09 07:43
Salts do need to be replaced, but are absorbed more readily when accompanied by sugar. I assume this is what is meant by "flavored water", but in collage we were taught the WHO recommended formula: 1/2 teaspoon salt, 6 level teaspoons sugar (6 teaspoons is 2 tablespoons) 1 quart or liter of clean drinking water. Note that plain salt is not optimum and should only be used where more advanced salt mixtures can not be obtained from the local pharmacy.
Wilfred Darr
Calgary, Canada
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Skipper Level II
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 28
Posted 2018, Jan 09 09:00
This is a respiratory event occurring in children which happens after water enters the lungs, but long after the child appears to be out of danger, between 1 to 24 hours after the initial event, and can cause death.
Lance Reynolds
Southampton, MA, USA
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Captain Level V
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 203
Posted 2019, Dec 05 17:40
It looks like this link is no longer active. Is there another place for it to be viewed or another video to watch.
Scott Olbeter
Pittsburgh, PA, USA
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Crew Level 0
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Qualified days: 2
Posted 2020, Oct 07 02:33
i would like more of an explanation as to why you would need to call for help if you lose DC power and what insurance is going to do to help in that situation.
Robert Johnson
Albuquerque, NM, USA
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Skipper Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 85
Posted 2021, Mar 18 14:01
The active ingredient (Meclizine HCI 25 mg) in Bonine and Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy are the same. The original formulation of Dramamine has a different active ingredient, Dimenhydrinate 50 mg. So, if you can't get Bonine, then Dramamine All Day Less Drowsy would be a suitable alternative.
Joshua Seely
Washington, DC, USA
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Qualified Crew Member Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 150
Posted 2021, Nov 05 00:21
The lesson mentioned that “A Type” fire extinguishers work on things that “turn to Ash” or:
A is for “Ashes”
The other two B and C are similar and here’s what helped me:
B is for things that Boil (Flammable Liquids)
C is for things that use Current (Electrical fires)
Zoltan Lajko
Rockville, MD, USA
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Captain Level V
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 302
Posted 2022, Jan 11 15:41
Yachting Monthly has some videos on youtube about various crash scenarios. I would say they worth the time.