SeaTalks about Safety and Emergencies

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Posted 2022, Jan 23 17:04
Won’t play
Posted 2022, Mar 13 02:42
I found this video but the link in training is no longer active. another good one.,
Posted 2022, Jun 29 03:38
Something that should be added to this section...flares are only effective if there is someone nearby to see them, and that understands the flare significance, and that has the means to effect a rescue. Need to emphasize that flares aren't magic rescue buttons.
Posted 2022, Jun 29 04:48
Yes that is the kind of boating tales I like
Posted 2023, Feb 17 16:36
A lot of the links to videos on that site do not work. So here is the page that has all of their videos. But, the Life Raft video is not where it should be.
Posted 2024, Apr 06 04:59
Urine colour is normally a good indication of hydration level. Very light colouring is a good sign you are properly hydrated, while deep yellow is bad. Drink water and watch the colour of your urine. it should be noted that chronic dehydration is one of the root causes of dementia.
Posted 2025, Mar 11 20:29
The lesson text describes the bridal but not the reason for the bridal. A more traditional preventer attaches to the boom near the outboard end without a bridal. The bridal pulls on both ends of the boom, but the pull on the forward end of the boom has little leverage to stop the boom from swinging. Only the line to the outboard end has leverage, so why not just attach there without the bridal?
21 - 27 of 27 threads