SeaTalks about Anchoring and Mooring

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Posted 2015, Sep 13 18:02
is there a way to calculate or is this a best guess?
Posted 2016, Oct 28 22:10
how does one go about setting two anchors off the bow.. especially in heavy conditions (I presume rowing a separate anchor out in a dinghy wouldn't exactly be fun). In practical execution would you set one and then let more rode out so you can go to the point where you may want to set the other. Also in setting both anchors the 4-6 scope for each is advisable I presume?
Posted 2016, Nov 02 11:27
The reading says that the rode between two anchors should be at least the length of the boat. However later it says that you let the secondary anchor down to the bottom and then pay out the road until the primary anchor is reached. So does this mean that the rode between the anchors also be at least the depth of the water?
Posted 2018, Apr 29 22:06
On page 1 of Mooring Procedures: "Grabbing a mooring ball needs to be preplanned. It is best achieved if you motor the vessel into wind towards the mooring ball." A bit later is a different example, regarding the ball with a steel ring on top: ". . . back your boat up to the mooring with aft facing the wind." Q 5/13 on the test: When grabbing a mooring: the correct answer shows: "approach from downwind." I'm confused with terminology. I thought 'downwind' meant with the wind behind. So, pointing the vessel into wind = downwind?
Posted 2018, May 06 20:57
What courtesies and precautions should be observed when tying a rode to some one's tree. crossing a beach or tying off around a rock or rocks on shore? We did this in St.Vincent and stuck branches in the sand and left a note on a tag on the rode wrapped around a tree. We did not want any one tripping on the rode or destroying some one's favorite tree. Locals were OK with this . There must be some best practices like asking permission from a property owner. Any advice?
Posted 2018, Jul 04 22:11
I've never heard the use of warps before and had to look it up to determine that it means rode. Please can you add definitions to your sections when using different nomenclature. Thanks,
Posted 2018, Jul 27 14:25
If I have only an all rope rode and I'm in a tight anchorage area, so I can't let out 7:1 or more scope, could I weigh down the rode significantly close to the anchor, so that it simulates a chain rode? This way the force on the anchor would always be more horizontal and therefore it should hold well, even with a smaller scope.
Posted 2019, Mar 04 02:12
Grant, these are top notch photo examples. The lady on the right is properly applying hand signals for setting the anchor and laying the rode. Good stuff.
Posted 2020, Jun 14 05:48
No mention is made anywhere in this section, as far as I can tell, about how make the rode fast after the anchor has been set. Someone with no extra knowledge would probably assume they could leave it in the windlass! Some mention of what to do after the anchor is set would surely help save people from a very expensive windlass failure.
Posted 2021, Mar 27 13:37
The "quick" estimate of rode necessary formula is 50ft + 2X depth of water. Is that high tide or low tide? It can make a large difference. To err on the side of caution would say to use high tide.
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