SeaTalks about Anchoring and Mooring

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Posted 2021, Aug 08 16:02
The text in module 11.3, weighing anchor, states, "When you reach the point where your rode goes straight down, secure the line on a cleat, and just power gently in reverse to let the boat do the work of freeing the anchor from the bottom. Powering forward to free an anchor that is truly buried is not recommended for two reasons: you might foul the prop and you could bend the anchor." However, one of the test questions asks, "What need you NOT do when weighing anchor?" I initially answered, "Motor past it to pull it out," but that was an incorrect answer. What gives?
Posted 2021, Oct 06 13:40
The texr here says that the CQR is a type of plow anchor that is recommended as lawn art. The test states that you should be confident when using a "plow" anchor. While we can discuss the benefits of a plow anchor this is a real contradiction in the materials.
Posted 2022, Jul 17 11:32
Are there recommendations as to how much chain one should have in a chain-rope combination (e.g. length of the vessel? (that is an old standard?)
Posted 2022, Oct 04 01:52
Nowhere in this module did it discuss best practices for how much space to leave near other anchored vessels? Where should I drop my anchor, relative to the position/orientation of other vessels and how much space should I leave? Would this be different for a catamaran using a bridle? Any information in this regard is appreciated. - Thanks!
Posted 2024, Dec 14 18:37
For an overnight mooring on a monohull, I was taught that it's a good idea to pass two bow lines through the mooring eye. One line goes from the starboard bow cleat through the mooring eye and back to the same cleat. The second line does the same thing on the port side. The advantage of going back to the same cleat is that chafing at the eye is minimized. The advantage of two lines is redundancy.
Posted 2025, Jan 19 13:08
Here's a video that explains hockle: Here's a video that shows brait rope:
11 - 16 of 16 threads