Grant Headifen
Austin, TX, USA
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Captain Level V
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 700
Posted 2015, Oct 13 20:02
Here is another one:
The gunwale is the top edge of the side of a boat. Originally the gunwale was the "gun ridge" on a sailing warship. This represented the strengthening wale or structural band added to the design of the ship, at and above the level of a gun deck.
Carl Richardson
Surrey, BC, Canada
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Captain Level V
Status: Really Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 2241
Posted 2015, Dec 30 05:21
The bullseye fairleads are erroneously labelled Padeyes. a padeye is used to mount hardware like blocks to the deck.
Bruce Smith
St. Thomas, Canada
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Crew Level II
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 33
Posted 2016, Jan 31 21:57
In sail trim module 3 it talks about a boat moving from left to right or from right to left. This is the first mention of this in the modules. What does it mean?
Larry Taylor
Barrie Ontario, Canada
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 1
Posted 2016, Feb 02 00:04
I just passed the Sail Trim Course, and dont comprehend why moving crew aft(weight) will cause lee helm. To me I can reason why the opposite would happen. Could someone tell me how this causes lee helm
gary briggs
grand ledge, MI, USA
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 0
Posted 2016, Feb 06 18:23
I don`t understand the purpose of a Barber Haul or Reaching Strut. If you need to open up the slot between the jib and the main why don`t you just ease out the jib sheet ?
Jane Whild
Stoke Goldington, United Kingdom
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 2
Posted 2016, Mar 16 12:45
The first example on the page conforms to the rule:
" Imagine you're sailing along on port and the red (inside) telltale is flapping. Pull the tiller to port (red)"
however, the second example does not turn towards the flapping telltale:
the boat is on starboard, the red is flapping, You'd turn to starboard.
surely that is turning towards the green telltale?
Can someone help explain what it is in this rule of thumb that I am missing?
Darroch Cahen
Astoria, OR, USA
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 186
Posted 2016, Apr 13 04:26
Never replace a broken or defective piece of rigging with an inferior product. Instead look to replace it with something stronger or better engineered. Doug MacDonald, owner of Sorcerer VII, a Beneteau First 40.7 was relentless in being a better amature engineer than the Marine Professionals.
Darroch Cahen
Astoria, OR, USA
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 186
Posted 2016, Apr 13 04:30
Several racers use messenger lines and store the halyards below when not sailing. Not a bad idea for cruisers who use their boats less often...
Jan Cermak
Middleton, WI, USA
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Skipper Level I
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 6
Posted 2016, Jun 08 01:35
As someone who has never sailed before, it would be nice to have a definition of "heel angle" on this page, have the term linked to its definition, and/or have hover text. In general, there have been a few terms like this I've had to look up on Google (gybe, etc.). Before using a term, it should be introduced somewhere in the curriculum. Otherwise, I like the format of these courses so far.
Constantin Moullas
Brossard, QC, Canada
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Skipper Level V
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 302
Posted 2017, Jan 05 00:40
When travelling down wind, it seems to me that there are situations where the apparent wind direction can be the same and even move rearward? The course material indicates that it is always forward? Am I missing something