Laura Giliberti
London, ONtario, Canada
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Crew Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 76
Posted 2020, Oct 27 11:11
In high winds I am learning to reef the main. Do the principles of twisting the main sail work the same?
Steven Kinkead
Escondido, CA, USA
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Captain Level III
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 56
Posted 2020, Oct 28 15:39
After covering the defect with double stick tape, how much of the defect should be cut away? Are you removing only loose threads or are you removing a large rectangular area? The wording of the tutorial is not very clear about this.
Also, I'm confused about the size of the repair patch. Should it match the size of the cutout, or should it overlap the cutout?
Additional photos would help to visualize the repair steps.
Steven Kinkead
Escondido, CA, USA
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Captain Level III
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 56
Posted 2020, Oct 28 15:53
I'm confused how the tubular webbing will strengthen the tear around the metal ring. Where is the webbing placed? What is the purpose of creating a hole with an awl?
A photo would be very helpful.
Tysen McCarthy
Brighton, MI, USA
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Skipper Level IV
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 110
Posted 2021, Jan 24 21:46
The illustrations on the test are very hard to make sense of. It just a limitation of showing a 3 dimensional concept in 2 D.
I'd encourage you all to make a note card in the shape of a jib and put a red dot on the port side of the "sail" and green dots on the starboard side, both at the bottom and closer to the head.
That way you can use it to make more sense of the questions.
Robert Johnson
Albuquerque, NM, USA
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Skipper Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 85
Posted 2021, Mar 20 18:48
This module does not explain which direction is downward on a traveler. From the context, I assume it means away from the centerline of the boat. Is that correct?
Margaret Burke
Guilford, CT, USA
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 0
Posted 2021, Apr 01 15:33
You wouldn't have a cunningham on a boat with an in mast Mainsail, right?
Ana Paula Maciel
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 3
Posted 2021, Apr 26 17:55
Hi, I never set foot in a sailboat, so forgive my question if its too stupid :-) I understand why I have to take the handle out of the winch, what I dont understand is why I cannot use the winch handle to take the line in just turning the handle? What is the necessitie of taking the line out of the winch?
Robert Johnson
Albuquerque, NM, USA
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Skipper Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 85
Posted 2021, Aug 10 14:28
The text in the module titled Spinnaker Rigging states, "The tack is the corner attached to the pole. The guy, after being led through the spinnaker pole fitting ... attaches to the tack." But the text later in the module states, "The guy line attaches to the clew and then runs through the end fitting of the spinnaker pole." I assume latter text applies only to, "Larger vessels and the majority of sailing yachts...," but I'm not certain. Do those vessels have two spinnaker poles and two guy lines? If so, how does one distinguish one guy line from the other when communicating with other members of the crew?
Robert Routh
new smyrna beach, FL, USA
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Bareboat Charter Master Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 172
Posted 2022, Mar 22 14:48
Hi, What’s your favorite kid friendly animated knot app for iPhone and iPad? The link did not work. I am taking the course to safely sail with my family. Teaching our children knots has been on our To Do list but when we are sailing we always seem to need to get the knot tied and we do it instead of teaching our young children. Thanks! Jane
Paul Handly
Falls Church, VA, USA
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Skipper Level II
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 48
Posted 2022, Mar 29 23:26
I understand that spilling wind from the top is the correct answer but doesn't tightening the leech (outhaul) of the main not spill wind from the upper part of the main? Or is it tightening the leech incorrect because the sail is already reefed and the reef point is designed to pull at a 45 degree angle on the clew, thus tightening the luff and leech simultaneously?