Anton Panferov
San Diego, CA, USA
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Skipper (small keelboat) Level I
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 11
Posted 2021, Nov 25 00:02
Water track direction according to the answer is 118, leeway according to the answer is 10. But somehow the final heading is 106, how so? Isn’t it suppose to be 118 - 10 = 116?
Anton Panferov
San Diego, CA, USA
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Skipper (small keelboat) Level I
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 11
Posted 2021, Nov 28 04:04
In the question 4 there’s a sub question:
When the buoys are sighted will they be:
(i) dead ahead? (ii) on the port bow? (iii) on the starboard bow?
In the answer it says “on the port bow”. Why would it be the case given that our COG goes straight to them?
Ken Albright
Coupeville, WA, USA
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Skipper Level II
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 46
Posted 2021, Dec 14 18:15
Always off a small amount. Frustrating.
Ken Albright
Coupeville, WA, USA
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Skipper Level II
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 46
Posted 2021, Dec 15 19:25
The angle and distance never match the “correct “ answer, no matter how careful I am. On some of the test questions I have to guess which is closer. Two answers could be correct so it’s just a crap shoot.
Kimberlee Mikos
Washington, DC, USA
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 0
Posted 2022, Jan 07 09:46
Crew Over Board (COB) is becoming much more wildly used and as a non man in sailing, I appreciate the effort to make the sport and language more equitable. The buttons can change.
Todd Travis
Indianapolis, IN, USA
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Skipper (small keelboat) Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 55
Posted 2022, Jan 23 18:59
Just wanting to be 100% sure- upstream would mean against the current or flow of the water correct? Going against the current would be the equivalent to returning to the harbor. Right?
Jeffrey Milum
Mill Valley, CA, USA
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Bareboat Charter Master Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 127
Posted 2022, Mar 28 23:40
In the example, it's determined that the direction is 10 degrees. But, it seems that the direction is FROM 10 degress going to 190 degrees. And, the note at the bottom states that the direction is based on the "to" direction, doesn't it??
Zoltan Lajko
Rockville, MD, USA
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Captain Level V
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 302
Posted 2022, Jul 28 15:16
Using openCPN I get different results
Heading is 74T
Distance is 9.4 NM
I wonder which is correct.
Stephen Cox
Penngrove, CA, USA
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Skipper Level V
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 215
Posted 2022, Aug 23 17:27
In the animations for this module, plotting and then "moving" the current vector is shown as a method of accounting for direction and rate (set and drift). I understand the method and it is informative. However, I'm scratching my head over how to move the vector on paper charts using the chart plotting tools (Breton plotter and dividers) provided for the course. How does one do this?
Bruce Zeitlin
Nashville, TN, USA
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Skipper Level IV
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 105
Posted 2022, Nov 09 13:54
What does it matter what time one anchors if the question is about the clearance at LW? Seems like the correct answer would be 2.7 (draught + clearance) minus .3 (LW)=2.4m. Thanks