Mark Rosenfeld
Murfreesboro, TN, USA
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Skipper Level I
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 22
Posted 2021, Feb 19 15:18
You can order them from west marine for $26.95. I am glad we are panning to go up that way. I hope this helps.
Andrew Walker
Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
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Bareboat Charter Master Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 101
Posted 2021, Feb 21 13:36
On the answer plots to the examples the course has been plotted using the feature on the top of the Safe Water buoy (RW "NH" Mo (A) WHIS). By convention isn't the actual position shown by the circle on the bottom of the buoy (with the light shading surrounding it)?
Derek Kimball
Montreal, Canada
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 158
Posted 2021, May 13 19:21
With a semidiurnal tide it is mentioned that typically a 2 day delay will occur before the spring tide. This would also mean that currents are at their strongest 2 days after the Full or New moon would they not?
Ryan Oakes
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
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Skipper Level II
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 27
Posted 2021, May 22 10:51
so in the example below regarding the lighthouse, marina and monument, I assume we add 180 degrees to the lighthouse bc we are directly South of the object but why do we subtract 180 and add 180 for the other two objects respectively?
Derek Kimball
Montreal, Canada
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 158
Posted 2021, Jun 01 15:25
On the last exercise the current is 4knts with a direction of 360 or "0". I'm confused about the answer, the current vector is at 180 degrees. Can I please have some help to understand this.
Thank you,
Derek Kimball
Montreal, Canada
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 158
Posted 2021, Jun 01 15:27
The Leeway Table for these exercises only goes up to 180 degrees how can I predict the rest of the leeway up to 360 degrees ?
Armando Mola
Miami Shores, FL, USA
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Bareboat Charter Master Level III
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 59
Posted 2021, Jul 05 18:45
Is it normal not to get the exact distance as in de answer? In 2 of the 3 I get a difference of .2 and .3 NM difference. I tried several times with different methods and still.
Thank you.
Mahrez Ben Belfadhel
Oakville, ON, Canada
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Crew Level IV
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 155
Posted 2021, Jul 16 13:36
In the quick questions part of the module Q5, the answer says “RYA Chart 3 says that to determine the current from tidal diamonds that ALL TIDAL STEAMS ARE REFERRED TO AT HIGH WATER AT VICTORIA” Not sure how Diamond A is associated with Victoria ?
Mahrez Ben Belfadhel
Oakville, ON, Canada
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Crew Level IV
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 155
Posted 2021, Jul 16 14:13
In the the diamond table the Spring tidal stream values bare shown first followed by the Neap values. On the tidal stream atlas, the order of the value on the vectors is reversed. Is there a reason for this. How to not get confused?
Joshua Seely
Washington, DC, USA
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Qualified Crew Member Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 150
Posted 2021, Oct 24 01:06
The link for the US NOAA Chart Updates at for the US Office of Coast Survey for the Weekly Chart Updates has been updated to: