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RYA Day Skipper Online Course | Get your ICC

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Rating is 4.85 (based on 506 reviews).

Official RYA Day Skipper Knowledge & Theory Course

The RYA Day Skipper Online Course prepares sailors to confidently skipper small yachts (28ft and greater) in coastal waters and qualify for the ICC License. Covering navigation, pilotage, collision avoidance, rules of the road, weather forecasting, and passage planning, this comprehensive course is a prerequisite for the RYA Day Skipper certificate and ICC License. Practical training with an authorized RYA school is required for certification. Alternatively, sailors can obtain the globally accepted SLC. By course completion, participants will possess the knowledge and confidence to navigate coastal waters and handle various sailing scenarios.

Estimated Time: 40 hours
Price: $294 + support materials (approx. $95 in the US and CAN)

If you want to get an International Sailing License, particularly for the Mediterranean, you have two best options: the ICC or the SLC.  This course is the Official RYA Day Skipper Course. You will gain the ICC after passing this course AS WELL AS you must pass a 5-day practical training and assessment on-the-water training at an official RYA School. Just FYI - In North America, there are a limited number of RYA Schools. But many worldwide.

Your second option for an International Sailing License is the NauticEd SLC where there are many more training and assessment centers in North America (and a few worldwide). See below for the SLC options.

This RYA Day Skipper Course

Sign up today and gain the necessary knowledge and skills to confidently skipper a sailboat (28 feet or 8.5 meters, and greater) in coastal waters. This comprehensive course covers topics such as navigation, pilotage, collision avoidance, rules of the road, weather forecasting, and passage planning.

By the end of the course, you will have gained the knowledge and confidence necessary to skipper a vessel and handle a variety of situations that may arise at sea. Don't hesitate to start your journey toward becoming a competent and safe skipper. Embark on this official RYA Day Skipper Course online and fulfill the knowledge requirements for obtaining your ICC License and RYA Day Skipper Certificate.

The exam is an open-book exam and is graded by a real human usually in 1-2 days. It covers general knowledge questions as well as chart plotting and tides. If you don't pass the first time, you can take the exam again.

Once you have gained the RYA Day Skipper Certificate you are eligible for an ICC which is gained through the RYA in the U.K.  (instructions for obtaining the ICC after passing this course are included in this course). Alternatively, consider the NauticEd SLC (International Sailing License and Credentials) and Bareboat Charter Master bundle. The SLC is an equally accepted Sailing License globally and has more assessment schools throughout North America as well as some internationally - see the NauticEd Sailing Schools page.

The RYA Day Skipper Online Course Modules

  • Weather and Sea Conditions
  • Electrical Systems
  • Auxiliary Power
  • Rigging: Standing and Running
  • Rules of the Nautical Road
  • Slip Departure and Return
  • Sailing
  • Communications
  • Navigation
  • Tides and Currents
  • Passage Planning
  • Anchoring and Mooring
  • Coping with Emergencies

We guarantee both your satisfaction AND Lifetime access to any sailing course you buy from us

The SLC is an equal alternative to the ICC sailing License: For the SLC, if you are already experienced, you don't need to do training - just an assessment of your skills plus online theory courses. See the SLC requirements here.

The RYA Day Skipper Online Course

  • The Official RYA Day Skipper knowledge course for the ICC and Day Skipper Certifications
  • Approved by the RYA to meet the RYA Day Skipper requirements for theory knowledge and testing
  • View Course excerpts
  • You will be assigned an RYA Instructor to personally grade your test once submitted
  • You will need the support materials - RYA Charts, RYA Almanac, Portland Plotter, and Dividers. These are available on Amazon in the USA and Canada. In other locations, you will be mailed the support materials.
  • Start, stop, and continue when you want
  • Unlimited time to complete
  • Milestone review questions and answers
  • Take as long as you need to complete the open book Final Exam. Return whenever you need.

NauticEd is an approved RYA Training Center for the recreational RYA Day Skipper theory course.

This course has been approved and endorsed by the RYA as the RYA Day Skipper theory course and is a prerequisite to the practical RYA Day Skipper on-the-water training. Pass this course here online and the practical training at any RYA training center and you will receive the RYA Day Skipper Certificate - SAIL (recreational). This makes you automatically eligible to be awarded the ICC - International Certificate of Competence.

This is an ONLINE course and test viewable in your browser window. You have infinite time access to this course. Take as long as you need to complete the course once started. There are mini self-grade tests embedded so you can really test your own knowledge before you submit your exam. Return as often as you like.
Today's Investment: $294 plus $95 support materials from Amazon in USA and Canada: 2 RYA charts, the RYA tidal almanac, RYA Skipper Booklet, compass dividers, Breton rotating protractor, and examination grading by an RYA Yachtmaster Instructor. Or $394 elsewhere, which includes the support materials.
Not convinced yet that online sailing courses are cool? Visit our fully interactive and completely free Basic Sail Trim Sailing Course. You'll see why online e-learning is SO MUCH BETTER than a boring old Book.

Instructor Grant Headifen
By Grant Headifen
NauticEd Global Director of Education


View RYA Day Skipper Course excerpt

Student Reviews

John G.
2024, 25 Sep. 23:25

The course was very detailed. I really felt I learned it lot. (I have taken several ASA courses, including Coastal Navigation, but this was much more demanding..which is good!

Travis C.
2024, 26 Mar. 14:09

Excellent course and very thorough. I had one issue with something technical and Grant responded right away to offer assistance. Couldn't recommend more!

Richard G.
2023, 01 Jul. 09:15

The animations were useful to help understand the subjects.

Aidan B.
2023, 30 Apr. 21:28

The interactive content was great. Also the animations helped a lot with learning the concepts. I also liked the additional useful information given above the course content. Especially some of the external links. The value for money was good as well.

2023, 21 Feb. 00:41

Wealth of additional information to consider as you begin to set up your boat for cruising.

Jeffrey B.
2022, 04 Oct. 22:57

This is a very thorough preparation for the RYA Day Skipper Theory test. There are so many, excellent practice questions and exercises throughout the course, that I couldn't help but ask myself "is that all?" upon reaching the end of the final exam. The RYA material itself is excellent and the NauticEd material online summarizes and supplements the key points very well.

Robert B.
2022, 09 Sep. 04:02

kept the nose to the grindstone had to get money out of the deal

Christopher A.
2022, 17 May. 13:09

The content was comprehensive with clear examples and animations making it easy to understand. The end of module questions really helped consolidate what I had learned. I loved being able to take the course at my own pace, fitting my learning around other commitments. I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to gain a good knowledge base that can be used whenever you go out sailing.

Michael P.
2022, 14 Apr. 16:27

RYA courses are far superior to anything this side of the pond. NauticEd Ed presents the material well and the proctored remote exams are superb. You need this qualification along with the practical RYA Day Skipper to sail in many European Countries. Don’t go to Greece without it.

Andre B.
2022, 16 Jan. 15:27

covers the material very well and in depth provides practical advice for real-life situations the structure and feel of the course is consistent with the RYA exam - I felt very well prepared for the exam

Showing last 10 reviews.
List Price: $394.00

Excerpt from the course

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The following is an excerpt from this course

RYA Day Skipper Course: Tides and Current

... So what are the tide heights at times other than at high and at low? You can not assume a linear progression. It more acts like a sine curve. To calculate the tide height at any time you use a tide curve specific for that location.

... The following animation shows how to predict the tidal height using a tide chart.


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Sea talk testimonials

I am impressed with my students and the way they came so prepared for a week-long charter, not knowing a thing about sailing prior to that. Kudo to this program.

Jean-Loupe Dalle, The Toronto Sailing Coach

Trusted by the world's leading sailing companies
