Safe Payments with NauticEd

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Sailing Course: Skipper Large Keelboat Course

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If you have been given a promotion code from a sailing school or charter company click here.

If you have been given a promotion code from a sailing school or charter company enter it here.

Help NauticEd Fight Childhood Cancer

Kids should be GOING sailing NOT GOING through cancer. The numbers are astounding - 1 family in 150 will experience childhood cancer. Together with NauticEd, we can all help to solve this.

Would you like to contribute $5 or more today to kids cancer research to be added to your check-out? You will be sent a separate receipt and thank you note for your contribution to help find a cure for childhood cancer. Let's get kids back to normal life and back out on the water. Together, our sailing community can make a major contribution to help solve this devastating disease. Thus far, our NauticEd community has donated $33,881.00 to Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation

To learn about our personal journey with childhood cancer and sailing, and to make a bigger tax free contribution, click here.

Congratulations! You are about to become a safer and more knowledgeable sailor.
Money Back Guarantee

Did we mention our money back satisfaction guarantee? With thousands of satisfied NauticEd students already, we can't imagine why you'd be unhappy with any course. However, if for any reason you're dissatisfied, just <a href='' title='contact NauticEd Sailing School' target='_blank'>contact us</a> within 30 days after your purchase and we'll gladly refund your purchase with us.

Authorize.Net Merchant - Click to Verify Payment Processing

How do you know this website has secure payments?

1) During the payment process, you will see that the web address changes to use https. The "s" in https means secure and strong encrypted connection with our site

2) You can click on the icon here - it will take you directly to who will indicate to you that is a verified Merchant.

3) If you don't know who is then Google them - they are one of the largest internet secure credit card payment gateways

4) I.E. your payment is secure and we don't even store your credit card info. We are locked down and secure as possible.