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Maureen Vild | Private Instructor

Laguna-Niguel, California USA

Rated 5/5 by 1 student
The most common feedback I received from my students is "You are so calm and explain things in a simple manner to where it is easily understood. I believe though, that the experience of "doing" in many cases outweighs the explanation. My focus is to empower first, educate second. Bring each student to a place of complete competence. More importantly, it's all about the experience, and to have fun along with the feeling of accomplishing something beyond expectations.

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Instructor Woman Sailing Instructor

Maureen Vild

Professionally Assessed Peer Assessed NauticEd System Knowledge Expert Transformational Instructor Course Graduate Woman Instructor Student Star Rated American National Standards Instructor/Assessor SLC Instructor/Assessor
Rated 4.89/5 by 17 students
  • Level V Bareboat Charter Master Rank Chief Instructor/Assessor
  • American National Standards Instructor/Assessor
  • SLC Instructor/Assessor
  • NauticEd System Knowledge Expert
  • Transformational Instructor Course Graduate
The most common feedback I received from my students is "You are very calm and explain things in a simple manner to where it is easily understood." However, I believe that the experience of "doin ...
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