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As you can likely imagine, a high-growth education company like NauticEd that pushes the limits and challenges the status quo in boating is always coming up with new ideas and programs. Please check often for our updates and news, and certainly toss us a line (contact us) at with questions.


NauticEd features over 24 online sailing courses, certification for sailors at all levels, feature-rich proprietary learning management systems, and a global network of sailing school and charter affiliates. Since Grant Headifen founded NauticEd in 2008, it has provided over a quarter million sailing courses to students worldwide and currently supports over 80,000 boating enthusiasts with courses, experience building tools and charter vacations.

NauticEd is the only sailing education program recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard and the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators as having met the rigorous American National Standards, and NauticEd’s SLC licensing is accepted by charter companies worldwide.


  • 10/28/2024 "NauticEd Expands Into Powerboat Training with Launch of New Course Series" online | pdf
  • 3/2/2023 "NauticEd and MarineVerse Launch World’s First Virtual Reality Navigation Rules Course" online | pdf | docx
  • 2/28/2023 "NauticEd and SailTies Partner to Authenticate Sailing Logbooks with GPS Tracking and Sharing" online | pdf | docx
  • 10/5/2022 "NauticEd Launches Virtual Reality Sailing" online | pdf | docx
  • 9/10/2021 "NauticEd Launches Nationwide Charitable Initiative to Benefit Childhood Cancer Cause" pdf | docx
  • 6/21/2021 "NauticEd Reports Sailing Charter Vacation Bookings and Education Enrollments Are Soaring" pdf | docx
  • 5/28/2021 General Press Release "NauticEd Leads Sailing Instruction Into the Future as the World's Top Online and on-the-Water Sailing Educator" pdf | docx