Sergey Luk
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Crew Level 0
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Posted 2015, Aug 31 12:22
Having reading the book and course "Maneuvering Under Power" I would appreciate to have your instructions how to drive a boat when wind blows across the dock and boat is stern to: like in figure 10 on the page 33 but stern to.
To my opinion when wind is pushing a boat to a pier and you have to park a boat in a position "stern to"- this is most complicated maneuver especially when path from channel entrance to a parking place is long.
Larry Taylor
Barrie Ontario, Canada
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 1
Posted 2015, Sep 01 04:09
When engaging reverse while still moving forward I hear a single thud noise about 1 second or so after reverse gear is engaged. Also I can feel a shake in the boat when it happens. I think this is prop cavitation . The boat is moving forward at just a couple of knots, Is this typical, or in your opinion what do you think it may be?
Once it has happen the boat performs well, however I do not apply any more than 1500 RPM because of it
The boat is a 37' C&C with a 17-9 3 bladed prop.
I look forward to your thooughts
Regards Larry
Darroch Cahen
Astoria, OR, USA
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 186
Posted 2016, Apr 01 00:07
While Maneuvering Under Power: I have my students turn the boat in a circle in one direction and then the other. Often, but not always, the boat will turn better in one direction than another. Any suggestions why that is?
Darroch Cahen
Astoria, OR, USA
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Captain Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 186
Posted 2016, Apr 01 00:25
As Noted in "What you learned: The stern of the boat wants to go to the port (most boats)." However, on my check out cruise (15 May '10) Aboard S/V Indonesian Grace a Bavaria 42 Capt. Jamie McCarther demonstrated that the Bavaria German built boat walked to starboard. Any thoughts why the German built boats tend to walk to starboard and the American, such as Catalina, prop walk to port?
Conan Hom
Lexington, MA, USA
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Crew Level 0
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Qualified days: 8
Posted 2016, Nov 01 00:36
Are any of the maneuvers described here dependent on the dock relative to the final position of the boat (port or starboard) - in particular when the wind is blowing into or out of the slip area?
Conan Hom
Lexington, MA, USA
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Crew Level 0
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 8
Posted 2016, Dec 06 21:14
In (4) Part (c)... when the current is coming from the bow:
Several questions:
In the initial reversing (part (a): why not turn the wheel to starboard a little bit to starboard while in reverse, won't that help a little swing the bow out to port (not as much as a steerable outboard of course)?
In part (b when you motor out on the diagonal and then steer to starboard to straighten out parallel to the slip. "Remember the rear of the boat will swing back towards the dock if you turn the wheel" <-- is this statement in the text accurate? won't the the stern will swing out to port as you turn to starboard since you are going forward?
Raymond Van Houtte
Annapolis, MD, USA
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Skipper Level IV
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 162
Posted 2020, Feb 05 23:08
I normally loosen the Cunningham before raising the mainsail, then tighten it after I have gotten the sail to the top of the mast. These instructions ignore the Cunningham. Am I doing this incorrectly?
Ian Rowe
Golden, Canada
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Skipper Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 108
Posted 2022, Mar 02 16:25
Personally I think these are an overpriced fashion statement. They will be soaked and cold within the first half hour. Far better with a pair of wellies or rubber boots. They will also get damp but usually stay warm.
Jeffrey Milum
Mill Valley, CA, USA
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Bareboat Charter Master Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 127
Posted 2022, Mar 30 06:38
In the wind blowing onto the dock, one illustration shows a front spring line, the other an amidships line. Wondering which one is recommended and why the discrepancy. I favor amidships, but not sure that is logical or just something I picked up along the way...
Andre Cardyn
Montreal, QC, Canada
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Skipper Level IV
Status: Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 146
Posted 2022, May 14 19:45
For example with a normal set up: With the wheel to port and the port throttle slightly forward and starboard throttle back, the boat will vector sideways to starboard. Watch the water thrust over the port rudder. There is no thrust wash over the starboard rudder because that engine is in reverse.
sideways movement
"The principle here is that the boat wants to spin clockwise but the thrust on the port rudder is pushing the stern of the boat to starboard." Thus, the effect vectors the boat sideways. Makes sense right? In a monohull if you wanted to kick the stern towards the dock, you'd turn the wheel away from the dock. Combine this with using the bulldozeer effect to turn the bow to the dock and you get sideways force.