SeaTalks about Rules of the Nautical Road

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Posted 2015, Jul 27 23:22
So what if your engine is on but not engaged in gear? Are you still a sailboat or a powerboat? BTW this is really Grant @ NauticEd. Testing this out but also posing a legitimate question. What does everyone think?
Posted 2015, Sep 08 17:04
So this means that possibly you have the scenario where a boat on starboard would giveway to a boat on port.
Posted 2015, Oct 29 16:24
I have a hard time on the tests of figuring out who is leeward. I *think* it is easier with the wind on my face, but would appreciate any tips. For example, in some of the 3 boat situations presented, it seems like the bow of one will pierce the midships of another if a line was extended. Does that provide a clue? Thank you.
Posted 2015, Dec 13 20:59
In your statement about an adrift vessel, you say that it is underway, and "must give way" to a sailboat. However, I have a couple of issue with this: 1) The reference picture shows a sailboat with no sails, which would make it a power boat, so in that case the "sailboat" should give way to the vessel adrift, 2) an adrift vessel can be pointing in any direction, and you could potentially be approaching from the stern, or it may even be drifting away from the sailboat. In either of those cases, the sailboat or powerboat would be an overtaking vessel, and would have to give way. 3) There is a difference between a vessel "under way" and "making way", and while a vessel adrift is considered underway, I think that unless they are in the middle of a narrow channel, or other thoroughfare where they are a hazard, a vessel "making" way (either by sail or power) should always give way.
Posted 2016, Mar 29 23:23
This is one of my favorite topics Rule 5 "Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision." In my opinion the helmsman is not the Lookout. Thus, anyone solo sailing is in violation of this. Any thoughts (for or against) on this?
Posted 2016, Apr 19 20:15
Howdie. I find the static computer drawings a bit vague wrt where the wind is coming from. This is tripping me up on the tests for this module I think. Take the computer graphic directly beneath the second video for example. The text says the wind is coming from right to left. But couldn’t the wind also be coming from the bottom of the picture to the top, given the way the sails are set on both boats? Some one please assist here.
Posted 2016, Apr 19 21:44
There are two pictures on this page with a power boat in it. One is a smaller motor boat being overtaken from behind by a sailboat with it sails up. The other is a sailboat with a powerboat (looks like a cabin cruiser) to port, apparently adrift in this example. However, there are no sails deployed on the sailboat. The sentence beneath this picture says the powerboat must give way, making the sailboat the Stand on boat. Why is this the case? Is it because the powerboat has the sailboat to starboard? Is it because the powerboat is adrift? Is the sailboat under power or adrift? This picture is confusing me because it seems the sail boat is also either under power or adrift. It’s certainly not overtaking the powerboat from the rear. Can anyone help with this one?
Posted 2016, Apr 27 02:30
If you are looking for a FREE Android app to review or identify vessel lights, I recommend Vessel Lights by Maarten Pennings. It receives a rating of 4.4 out of 5.
Posted 2016, May 03 18:58
It seems strange that starboard tack is given priority over the leeward boat. Whereas a boat in a leeward position may very well be constrained in its ability to maneuver due to the proximity of leeward hazards, I can't think of any situations where starboard vs port tack would alter maneverability on a boat (at least one built in the past 2 or 3 centuries). Do I correctly understand the precedence of the 2 rules?
Posted 2016, Aug 27 19:33
what if the sailboat is using the motor - are they still required to give-way?
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