Teague de La Plaine
Tampa, FL, USA
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Skipper Level III
Status: Sailor
Qualified days: 76
Posted 2024, Feb 12 16:44
Other names for gasoline include: petrol (CANZUK), benzin (Germany), benzine (Netherlands), benzyna (Poland), benzina (Italy), essence (France), gasolina (Spain), qiyou (China), xang dau (Vietnam), namman (Laos), sang (Cambodia), dharatse (Myanmar), namanbensin (Thailand), gas or petrol (Nigeria), lasantsy (Madagascar), essence (Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria), benzene or bencina (Chile), naphtha (Argentina)
Other names for diesel include: gas oil/gasoil or gazole (EU), distillate (Australia), solar (Indonesia, Israel).
Dorian Swerdlow
White Plains, NY, USA
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Captain Level IV
Status: Really Big Time Sailor
Qualified days: 169
Posted 2024, Dec 09 17:08
I sail a Newport 28 from the 1980s with a Universal 5411 diesel engine. It cools the engine directly with raw water. I realize that this is now unusual, but it does exist.