SeaTalks about Bareboat Chartering

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Posted 2015, Jul 24 11:16
We had chartered a 38' Athena Cat in Belize and had to motor a short distance one day due to lack of wind. While underway I heard the hollow echo of no water coming out of the port engine and asked a crew member to check the exhaust to see if there was water coming out - there was not so I shut down the engine. The engine did not overheat and no alarm sounded because we heard it and took action ahead of time. We contacted the charter company and they recommended someone at the South Water Cay to look at the engine. The culprit was a small octopus that had made it through the raw water system all of the way to the heat exchanger. We had to use needle nose pliers to remove calamari from the tubes in the exchanger. The lesson is to listen and smell for things out of the ordinary and take action quickly before it becomes a real problem.
Posted 2015, Jul 24 12:30
A northerly and southerly cardinal are generally easy to remember (pointing up and pointing down respectively) but what about easterly and westerly? Remember this - An easterly cardinal looks like the egg (as mentioned) while a westerly cardinal looks like a woman's waist.
Posted 2015, Sep 19 01:38
Hi every one Does someone know about the Italian prop ? they adjust and when reversing each aileron turn and make the prop more efficient , actually NauticEd has a link about it , I was wondering if someone tried it , thank you , safe sailing
Posted 2015, Dec 28 00:59
There are certain fish that cannot be eaten due to being poisonous. I have been involved in a situation on board where ship staff suffered food Poisioning after they eat the fish that they caught.
Posted 2015, Dec 28 17:12
Another effective way for dealing with Sea-Sickness is to stay on open deck for fresh air rather than confines of the boat. The vision should be far fetched i.e. looking over as far as to the horizon.
Posted 2016, Mar 10 02:58
The image displays a "shore" setting, what is this for?
Posted 2016, Apr 25 23:14
There are a few items that I pack when chartering: Paper Towels, Canned Ham, and my favorite ginger tea. Paper towels are bulky but hugely expensive in remote places. Canned Ham makes one dinner then sandwiches for the rest of the trip. I do not go on any voyage without my ginger tea. What about you; what do you bring for provisions that are otherwise difficult on remote islands?
Posted 2016, Apr 25 23:25
When I'm aboard a vessel that requires children to wear their lifejacket I wear mine.
Posted 2016, Apr 26 16:11
On one charter-boat there was a sign: "Shower with a Friend".
Posted 2016, Jun 30 22:33
When mooring for any period of time - mooring, anchoring or in a slip, secure you halyards away from the mast. You'll sleep better and so will you neighbors without your halyards slapping against the mast all night. Leaving a bit of slack and tensioning the halyard to the outer shroud works pretty well. We learned this one the hard way. Our neighbors in the harbor taught us this within the first month of owning our boat. They spent weekends on their boats while we did not. Since we were not there at night we had no idea how annoying our slapping halyards were for our neighbors. Our halyards have been silenced ever since.
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