SeaTalks about Weather

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Posted 2015, Sep 07 13:50
What does that mean?
Posted 2015, Sep 07 14:04
I do not understand what this is and what it should look like.
Posted 2015, Oct 16 12:17
How does it come that the maximum speed in the wind speed table doesn't go higher then 12 knots. Is this because of the heeling ?
Posted 2015, Oct 21 09:33
In the storm tactics clinics, when discussing the “dangerous semicircle”, the explanations are based on a westerly storm path (fig 3). The south of the system is considered as the safest side. This is not true for systems moving to the east ! In my sailing area, the channel and North Sea, depressions are moving mainly to the east. I should invert some statements. Some questions in the assessment seem to refer on westerly path (without notice). Ex heading to the north side of the system is consider as a poor tactic; south-eastern quadrant has the smallest wave.
Posted 2015, Oct 21 09:33
to remove
Posted 2015, Nov 02 05:19
When a read about "Wind symbols", I understook that the barbs are the tail of the arrows. Then the head of the arrow is opposite the arrow tail. Correct? I understand that the head of the arrow is showing the wind direction and the tail represents speed (Knots). But when I went to the test and answered within my knowledge the question of the symbols of the winds, I failed. Why??? Thanks.
Posted 2016, Feb 11 06:43
Hi Ed (and All), What are your thoughts on use of the Jordan Series Drogue vs a sea anchor off the bow for riding out a storm; assuming you got to the point where active steering of the boat became dangerous (crew fatigue, short-handed, etc.). Thanks! Cheers, -Dan
Posted 2016, Apr 06 20:41
It was Jan Follstad during a US Power Squadron course in 2008 that pointed out to me the obvious that a depth sounder can be used as a navigational aid. In 2012 Capt. Jeff Scroup, F/V Escapade, that told me that "in the days before GPS" he would follow the contour lines of the chart off the Pacific Coast when visibility was restricted. There are other uses for the depth sounder even in this day and age of GPS. Any suggestions ?
Posted 2016, Jun 29 12:00
How do you stop lightning from striking your mast?
Posted 2016, Jul 22 14:55
What is used to determine the location of the 34 kn circle? I'm a coastal/inland Florida sailor in a 22 ft Rhoads and enjoy following the weather patterns. I have an iPhone app that gives a GRIB file and also the NOAA app that gives radar and lightning and storm alert. Is there another app that you would recommend? Thanks Lance
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