Mainsail twist

Mainsail twist
Posted 2019, Feb 22 18:31
To achieve this with the mainsail pull the traveler to windward and let out on the mainsheet. If one does not have a traveler on their boat, does this work by just letting out on the mainsheet, which releases tension on the sheets allowing the boom to rise? Thanks
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Reply 2019, Feb 22 18:40
You can ease the vang which allows the boom to rise when the main is eased. If you tighten the vang when the main is eased it will bring down the boom. The vang only really works when the main is not tight.
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Reply 2019, Jul 07 01:20
You are correct Devin. The main sheet does the same thing as the vang pulling the boom-end/clew down, so when you ease the sheet it does indeed twist. The problem without a traveler is you change the trim, and if you are beating upwind you need an alternative to keep the boom trimmed close. You could invent a "jury-rig" or if your topping lift is strong enough set the twist with that and crank the sheet close for trim. For other points of sail set the twist you want with the vang and then sheet in or out all you want for trim. [ If the winds are so light that gravity holds the boom/clew down you must use the topping lift/boom lift to twist the sail.]
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