The instruction in the module conflicts with currents and tides module

The instruction in the module conflicts with currents and tides module
Posted 2018, Apr 23 12:03
In Module 3: Currents and Tides, the instructions specify to add leeway to the heading first whereas here in this section one add lee way after the heading and current. There may be a contradiction here that needs to be resolved.
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Reply 2019, Aug 10 10:09
Module 3 is right, the other ones are wrong. fall back on module 3 anywhere you find a conflict. One thing about Sea talks is it doesn't alert you to replies to threads you've commented on, so I never saw your post (this is a major flaw in the system in my opinion); I don't think it alerts Grant either. I just came back to see if Grant had fixed this yet. Grant received my report on the issue, which I spent literally days working out what was parts of the program were right and what parts were wrong, and he promised me that he'd look into the issue, so to say that I'm disappointing that 2 years on this has not been resolved is a bit of an understatement.
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