Grant Headifen
Austin, TX, USA More User infoCaptain Level V Status: Really Big Time Sailor Qualified days: 700
Reply 2015, Sep 12 17:35
A warp line is basically anything you drag behind the boat to slow its speed. It is better to use something heavy so that it sinks rather than skips across the top of the water. Some people will use the anchor and it's chain or just the chain itself. You can make it into a loop from one side of the boat out and then back to the other side so that it has greater drag.
Rob McIntyre
LAVAL, Canada More User infoQualified Crew Member Level I Status: Sailor Qualified days: 13
Reply 2015, Sep 13 13:04
Thank you for your explanation and help.
Steven Kinkead
Escondido, CA, USA More User infoCaptain Level III Status: Big Time Sailor Qualified days: 56
Reply 2020, Nov 01 22:12
Warping a boat is guiding it with lines. A warp is a line trailed off the boat for this purpose.