Hint: When preparing to enter any harbour, you should always view the pilotage book associated to that harbour.
John Burge
Rushville, OH, USA More User infoCaptain Level IV Status: Big Time Sailor Qualified days: 103
Reply 2017, Nov 13 01:18
Thanks Grant. I was trying to locate that info in the RYA Training Chart Plotter, hoping it was similar to the Navionics app. If you click on a harbour symbol in that app it brings up all that info so there is no need to reference another source.
Tim Williams
Oakville, ON, Canada More User infoSkipper (small keelboat) Level I Status: Sailor Qualified days: 11
Reply 2018, May 17 15:52
The Almanac notes for Port Fraser, page 46
Ian Sumter
Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom More User infoQualified Crew Member Level II Status: Sailor Qualified days: 42
Reply 2021, Mar 25 07:47
I was looking at the question about the chart plotter and the ETA.
I wondered - do modern chartplotters include expected changes in the set and drift over time for a long journey, or does the system assume that the current set and drift will act consistently on the boat throughout the whole journey? If the latter this could change ETA dramatically - good reason to set frequent measurable and predictable waypoints en route I suppose.