Warning about Dry Chemical fire extinguishers

Warning about Dry Chemical fire extinguishers
Posted 2017, May 26 23:14
It may have changed by now, but it used to be that if you gave a little squirt out of a dry chemical fire extinguisher, such as to test it, the remaining pressure would slowly leak out, leaving it useless when a fire occurred. So, if you ever squirt from a dry-chem extinguisher, don't be fooled by it still having a high pressure reading -- check the pressure gauge again a few days later. If the pressure is leaking, you need to have it re-serviced by a professional. This warning does not apply to CO2 fire extinguishers.
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Reply 2017, Oct 09 05:23
That is still accurate: the dry chem prevents the valve from reclosing properly. At a fire, you give a squirt to ensure the extinguisher is ready to rock before exposing yourself to danger, and then IMMEDIATELY approach and discharge the contents. After any discharge, no matter how little, the extinguisher needs to be serviced, which is cheap, so don't hesitate. We have extinguishers at rental units that we get serviced regularly as a matter of course, not just when they are used. Basically they discharge them into a receptacle, replace the seal, pour the dry chem back in and refill the nitrogen, takes them about 15 minutes, but the place we go only does them a couple of times a week so it can take a couple days to get them back…
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