What is the procedure for setting two anchors off the bow

What is the procedure for setting two anchors off the bow
Posted 2016, Oct 28 22:10
how does one go about setting two anchors off the bow.. especially in heavy conditions (I presume rowing a separate anchor out in a dinghy wouldn't exactly be fun). In practical execution would you set one and then let more rode out so you can go to the point where you may want to set the other. Also in setting both anchors the 4-6 scope for each is advisable I presume?
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Reply 2016, Nov 07 15:56
This is more specifically answered in our Anchoring course - however, you can do this with boat maneuvers. For 45 degree setting - set the first - fall back and set. Then motor over to the second position and drop then fall back and set again.
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