Apperant wind note below the simulating graphic.

Apperant wind note below the simulating graphic.
Posted 2025, Feb 16 20:46
I wish this paragraph was written in a more understanding way. Figure 1.2-1 Animation of a Car Moving in Wind Just one thing to note which you'll use later on in this sailing course. Observe that the true wind is always coming more from the back end of the car. It's the same on a boat. When you're moving along and point to where the apparent wind is coming from, the real true wind will be coming from further towards the back of the boat. As a general (really general) rule of thumb (unless you're going downwind), if you point about 15 degrees back from the apparent wind - that's about (double about) the direction of the true wind. The true wind is said to be "Aft" of the apparent wind.
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Reply 2025, Feb 16 21:08
Always open to explaining things better - what can you suggest?
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