When should the long line ashore method be used?

When should the long line ashore method be used?
Posted 2024, Dec 18 01:18
The long line ashore method is clearly useful if there are other boats moored this way, so you don't swing into them. Are there other reasons to select this method?
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Reply 2024, Dec 18 02:08
Dorian - it is a good question. Certainly, you will find many boats doing this next to each other in the Mediterranean. Sometimes 10-15 feet apart. So you really have no choice but to do it in this type of situation. Even if you are first to such a location the etiquette would be to do it so others can join. Generally, when in Europe near a village and the port is full you should use this method so as to let others in beside you. Another advantage is that the long line will hold you from being pushed out and away to the deep where your anchor could break free due to dragging and then increased scope. The downside is that if the wind changes to strong sideways-on then you have a lot of pressure put onto your anchor from increased windage with your boat being sideways.
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