Trimming the Mainsail

Trimming the Mainsail
Posted 2024, Oct 09 19:46
The third step depends on the upper telltales. If they are fluttering on the leeward side of the sail, we ease the mainsheet to allow the boom to rise and cause the top of the sail to twist. If they fluttered on the windward side, we tighten the mainsheet to bring down the boom and consequently tighten the leech. Since the Vang holds the boom down to a certain level, would easing the sheet also require us to loosen the Vang to achieve adequate lifting of the boom to cause the twist? If so, would it be desirable to tighten the vang when we tighten the sheet?
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Reply 2024, Oct 09 21:09
At the end of the next section and after a discussion about how to avoid rounding up, the section ends with the following, which provides the answer to my question: You'll also need to release the boom vang a little. Letting the boom vang out allows the boom to rise which loosens the leech (trailing edge) of the sail and allows the top part to "twist out"
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