Jib lead

Jib lead
Posted 2024, Oct 01 04:36
I'm not sure this follows for me: "Adjust the jib lead car forward if the top inner telltales stall." The way I think about this, if the upper telltales stall, doesn't that mean the upper leach is hooking in, curved too tight? Don't I want to ove the jib car aft, to allow a little twist up top with the same sheet tension?
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Reply 2024, Oct 04 02:58
We re-wrote much of this page and added an animation for the mainsail. Regarding the jib - moving car forward tightens the leech and moves the upper part of the sail to windward giving more wind to the windward side of the sail. Moving the car aft eases the leech and trists out the upper part of the sail giving more wind to the leeward side. If you have too much "hook" as you say, ease your leech line internal to the sail.
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