Scope for med moore vs anchoring

Scope for med moore vs anchoring
Posted 2024, Jul 09 21:22
In previous lessons you talked about the catenary shape of the anchor chain. You suggested 50 ft put 2x depth for an all chain rode. However, you have gone to 5x depth for this mooring. In a shallow area this would not give enough scope for the anchor to be sitting correctly based on your previous lesson (and you would use more than necessary in more depth). Can you explain why the rules for the scope of the anchor are different when doing a med mooring or with this long line method vs standard anchoring?
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Reply 2024, Jul 10 00:02
Thanks for noting this. A while back we started to use this more modern formula but missed adding it to this section. All fixed now! Thanks. :)
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Reply 2024, Jul 10 03:14
Thanks. Just to let you know there was also a mention of 5:1 ratio on the previous page for med mooring as well.
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