Speed & Distance calculations when not whole hours.

Speed & Distance calculations when not whole hours.
Posted 2023, Feb 05 17:17
You say "8.7 kts in 44 minutes is 6.3nm." But 8.7 X .44 = 3.828. Or (decimal) 8.7 X .74 = 6.47. ??
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Reply 2023, Feb 05 19:58
Please see the math of how to calculate this. since 44 minutes is not a decimal of an hour you must first find out what fraction of an hour it is by doing 44/60 - that gets you the number to multiply the speed by. 44 minutes is close to 3/4 of an hour or close to 0.75 of 1 hour
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Reply 2025, Mar 09 13:53
8.7nm / (44/60) = 6.38nm
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