Is this right?

Is this right?
Posted 2022, May 14 19:45
For example with a normal set up: With the wheel to port and the port throttle slightly forward and starboard throttle back, the boat will vector sideways to starboard. Watch the water thrust over the port rudder. There is no thrust wash over the starboard rudder because that engine is in reverse. sideways movement "The principle here is that the boat wants to spin clockwise but the thrust on the port rudder is pushing the stern of the boat to starboard." Thus, the effect vectors the boat sideways. Makes sense right? In a monohull if you wanted to kick the stern towards the dock, you'd turn the wheel away from the dock. Combine this with using the bulldozeer effect to turn the bow to the dock and you get sideways force.
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Reply 2022, May 14 19:49
Just forget it. I got it... It is right.
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