What's an acceptable CPA?

What's an acceptable CPA?
Posted 2022, Apr 09 20:23
Is there any guidance to help judge what would be an acceptable CPA for different circumstances? It seems reasonable to assume that one one would give much wider berth to a huge cargo ship than would be necessary between two ~45-foot pleasure boats. E.g. I have no idea if a 0.2 NM CPA in five minutes with another vessel actually warrants a radio call to confirm intentions (or in fact if it even warrants any action at all).
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Reply 2022, Apr 10 14:36
You’re right on that assumption with the note of prudence and discretion. Consider what the other captain is thinking and the conditions. Cutting in front of a container ship with plenty of CPA only to have the wind drop at last moment would be bad. How about night conditions? Does the other captain know that you know they are there? Early communication is good and can never cause harm. Be prudent. Good question.
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Reply 2024, May 11 11:31
It seems the link to shipais.com is no longer valid. A quick search of the Internet turned up Marine Traffic's site and it appears to have similar data. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/.
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