Simply copy and place the following code on your site.
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</object><br> Access to NED is provided FREE to the world courtesy of <a href=""></a><p></div>
Conditions for embeding NED
You may embed NED on your website with permission from NauticEd under the following conditions:
- You send us an email to let us know you're embeding NED - for upgrade purposes. Send to info [at] (spam reduction format use @).
- You use NED in good faith to promote sailing.
- You provide access to NED without charge.
- You claim no ownership rights to NED, its software, concept, or artwork.
- You understand that NauticEd is the sole and rightful owner of NED.
- You make no attempt to modify, change, alter the workings or appearance of NED.
- You make no attempts to decompile NED.
- You do not remove or alter the acknowledgement "Access to NED is provided FREE to the world courtesy of".
- NauticEd has the right to revoke its permission to you to embed NED into your website at anytime.